MATLAB: How to interface SimRF 4.0 (R2013a) with other toolboxes

multidomainRF Blockset

I would like to know how I can use SimRF together with Simulink, Communication Systems Toolbox, and the RF Toolbox.

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Procedures for interfacing SimRF with Simulink, Communication Systems Toolbox, and the RF Toolbox are outlined below:
Interfacing SimRF with Simulink:
Most of the SimRF blocks cannot be directly connected to standard Simulink blocks, and special conversion blocks are required to interface the two domains with one another. The interfacing procedure is different for Equivalent Baseband and Circuit Envelope modeling:
- Simulink <-> Equivalent Baseband: use the Input and Output Port blocks from the SimRF->Equivalent Baseband library. For more information on the various options/features of these blocks, please see the following links:
When interfacing signals between Simulink and SimRF Equivalent Baseband, please be careful when interpreting the physical meaning of the signals. Remember that a 0 Hz Simulink signal maps to the carrier frequency in the SimRF domain, and frequencies above/below 0 Hz in Simulink map to frequencies above/below the passband carrier frequency in SimRF. For more information, please see the following link:
- Simulink <-> Circuit Envelope: use the Inport/Outport block from the SimRF->Circuit Envelope library. For more information about these blocks, please see the following links:
When interfacing signals between Simulink and SimRF Circuit Envelope, please be careful when interpreting the physical meaning of the signals. Complex Simulink signals map to the amplitude modulations of the in-phase/quadrature carrier components in the SimRF domain. For more information on the way that Simulink signals map to SimRF Circuit Envelope signals, please see the following link:
Interfacing SimRF with Communication System Toolbox:
The Communication System Toolbox signals all exist in the Simulink domain. As such, they cannot be directly connected to SimRF blocks. To interface the SimRF domain with the Communication Systems Toolbox, the first step is to interface the SimRF blocks with the Simulink domain using the procedure outlined above.
Please see the following links for some examples of using SimRF and the Communication System Toolbox together:
Interfacing SimRF with RF Toolbox:
SimRF is used in the Simulink environment, while the RF Toolbox consists of a set of MATLAB functions/classes that are used in the MATLAB programming context. Nevertheless, it is possible combine some of the functionality of RF Toolbox with SimRF.
In RF Toolbox, it is possible to create data objects to represent circuit elements including amplifiers, mixers, S-parameter networks, and other generalized circuit elements. In general, S-parameters and amplifier/mixer data can be represented as RFDATA objects, and generalized circuit networks such as RLC networks can be represented as RFCKT objects.
Some of the blocks in the Equivalent Baseband Library offer the ability to import these RF Toolbox objects to define the block parameters.
The “General Mixer” and “General Amplifier” blocks can use an RFDATA object to define their parameters. To do so, choose the RFDATA option in the “Data Source” pull down menu under the Main tab of the block parameters. Similarly, an RFCKT object can be used to specify the behavior of the “General Circuit Element” block, by specifying the name of the object in the “RFCKT object” field in the block dialog. For more information on these blocks, please see the following links:
For more information on the RF Toolbox objects, please see the following link:
In addition, many of the blocks in the SimRF library have the ability to import S-parameter files such as “.snp”. It is possible to generate export RF Toolbox models/objects as S-parameter files that can be imported into other contexts such as SimRF. For more information on the data export capabilities of RF Toolbox, please see the following link: