MATLAB: How to interchange/swap variable in matrix and store it to different variable.


p = [90 90 -45 0 0 45 45 0 -45];
p1 = p; %store temporary copy of p
idx = [true diff(p)~=0];
q = p(idx);
idx = fliplr([true, diff(fliplr(p))~=0]);
position_p = find(idx); pos = position_p;
I want to interchange positions of p according to position_p from right side. In every iteration only p(9) should be interchange.
p(9) interchange with p(8) //A/c to position_p right to left
Layer(:,:,1) = [90 90 -45 0 0 45 45 -45 0];
p(9) interchange with p(7)
Layer(:,:,2) = [90 90 -45 0 0 45 0 -45 45];
and so on…
position_p = [2 3 5 7 8 9] menas 1st interchange p(9) with p(8) then store layer and then interchange p(7) and so on….

Best Answer

ii = find(idx);
n = numel(ii);
out = zeros(n,numel(p));
out(1,:) = p;
i1 = fliplr(ii);
for jj = 2:n
out(jj,:) = out(jj-1,:);
out(jj,[i1(jj),end]) = out(jj,[end,i1(jj)]);