MATLAB: How to integrate this set of matrix data points

for loopnumerical integrationtrapz

I have a matrix diffphi which is a 32×32 matrix. I want to integrate this using trapz in the following manner:
for every row namely k, I want to integrate diffphi(k,1:2) over 1:2 and , then diff(k,1:3) over 1:3, …. diff(k,1:32) over 1:32 then store all values in a new matrix called ophi which will be a 32×32 matrix. How should I do it?
Here is something that I tried:
if true
% code
ophi = zeros(32,32);
for h = 1:32
for d = 1:32
c = 1:d;
ophi(h,d) = trapz(c,diffphi(h,(1:d)));
But it shows the following error:
Error in ipermute (line 23) inverseorder(order) = 1:numel(order); % Inverse permutation order
Error in trapz (line 73)
Thanks in advance. if ~isempty(perm), z = ipermute(z,perm); end

Best Answer

You just need one for loop as trapz operates also on matrices. This is the piece of code:
A = rand(32);
B = zeros(32);
for c = 1:size(A,2)
B(:,c) = trapz(1:c,A(:,1:c),2);
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