MATLAB: How to integrate this function correctly


this seems like a rather simpel problem but I don't seem to get it right.
I'm given the following integral: = and the following dataset:
time = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14]';
E = [0 0.0199867 0.0999334 0.1598934 0.1998668 0.1598934 0.1199201 0.0799467 0.05996 0.0439707 0.02998 0.011992 0]';
Next I used trapz to solve with a result of = 32.2409. However, I know that the correct answer should be ~6.1. What am I doing wrong?
y_sigma = time.^2 .* E;
sigma = trapz(time,y_sigma)
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

I don't see nothing wrong in the result you get. The result is correct also "'by looking" at time-y_sigma graph. My guesses:
  • Are your data correct?
  • you got sigma^2, but maybe you should write
sigma = sqrt(trapz(time,y_sigma)) % 5.7130
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