MATLAB: How to integrate data points

data pointsfor loopnumerical integrationtrapezoidal rulewhile loop

Hello guys, I have a set of 1220 points for acceleration vs time and I want to plot velocity vs time and displacement vs time. As you all know I should integrate acceleration in order to get the velocity, I was thinking about using the Trapezoidal rule however it will give me the total velocity but what I want is the velocity vs time (like point by point). Any idea how I can do that using Matlab? I don't want a Matlab ready function to do that. Like while or for loop are fine.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Use the cumtrapz function.
For example:
a = acceleration_vector_from_file;
t = time_vector_from_file;
v = cumtrapz(t, a); % Velocity
c = cumtrapz(t, v); % Displacement
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