MATLAB: How to integrate a data set

data setintegrate

I have a data set that includes data for temperature and specific heat capacity, and I need to integrate (Cv(T)/T)dT and (Cv(T))dT over 0 to 270. I uploaded the data into Matlab already, and I have a plot of the data (temp on x-axis, Cv on y-axis). How do I code for the cumulative entropy (see first equation) and energy (see second equation)?

Best Answer

I would use the trapz function, or cumtrapz (linked to in the trapz documentation), depending on the result you want.
For example:
IntEq1 = trapz(T, Cv./T);
IntEq2 = trapz(T,Cv);
Without your data I am only guessing here, however these should at least be close to what you want. If you want vectors of interim results as well, replace trapz with cumtrapz in these assignments.