MATLAB: How to install MATLAB or other MathWorks products on a Unix/Linux machine without using the X Window System (X Server) or a GUI

I have recently added a new toolbox to my license or have gotten a new license, and I want to install it on my Linux/Unix system that does not have a graphical user interface. How do I install MATLAB and other products on a Unix/Linux machine without using the X Window System (X Server) or a GUI?

Best Answer

Installing MATLAB and/or a new toolbox onto an existing MATLAB installation without a graphical user interface or X server follows the same process as installing MATLAB with the same conditions. You will need to utilize the silent installer to complete the installation. Please refer to the related articles for in depth instructions:
How do I install MATLAB automatically using the Internet?
How do I use the Silent Installer for MATLAB?
How do I install additional toolboxes into an existing installation of MATLAB?