MATLAB: How to install DDS Support package on Linux

ddsdds blockset pilot support package (psp)installationMATLABsimulinkunix

I am trying to install the DDSBlockset for MATLAB 2016a on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine.
For that I am following the install intructions from the documentation: And took the note in the following answer into account:
However nothings happens if I try to run the installer: $sudo ./DDSBlockset-R2016a_v2.9.2_glnxa64-Install –mode console also nothing happens with $sudo ./DDSBlockset-R2016a_v2.9.2_glnxa64-Install or if I am logged into a root shell.
With nothing happens I mean that the terminal returns immediately without giving any message.
What can I do to approach the problem?

Best Answer

The DDS Support package will work correctly only on platforms that are supported by MATLAB.
MATLAB R2016a supports Ubuntu releases Ubuntu 14.04 LTS through 15.10. Refer to this link .
Therefore on Ubuntu 16.04 the DDS package will not work as expected.