MATLAB: How to install biosig plug in correctly for eeglab

biosigeegeeglaberror message

Hi, I'm a student wanting to use matlab and eeglab to analyse edf. files I gathered from the Emotiv Epoc EEG headset. However I cannot get the biosig plugin to work, I have the error message on matlab:
EEGLAB: adding "biosig4octmat-" to the path; subfolders (if any) might be missing from the path.
On eeglab the error message is "unsupported data format, (error occurred in function pop_biosig() at line 89)"
I tried downloading biosig using eeglab interface but that gave the same error message.
Can you help asap, as I cannot find any clear instructions online.
Kind regards,

Best Answer

I used the Add-On Manager to install EEGLAB, and when it finished told it to open the folder. Inside the folder was a program to download eeg lab. I ran that. It opened the web page -- so you could skip using the Add-On Manager and just open that page directly.
Once on that page, I clicked on "Click here to download the latest EEGLAB version"; at the moment that is an ftp link to . I downloaded that into a convenient directory, and unzipped to get a directory. I then went into MATLAB and cd'd to that directory.
Inside that directory in MATLAB, I ran
That brings up a blue box with some writing that is a bit difficult to read.
Under the File menu there, I selected "Manage EEGLAB Extensions" and from there "Data Import Extensions". On the first page I clicked on the box beside Biosig and indicated that I wanted to install it and gave the okay. I waited a bit until the main menu re-drew.
Now when I go through File etc to Data Import Extensions, Biosig shows up as having been installed.