MATLAB: How to install and launch Simulink Onramp in MATLAB R2018b


I found Simulink Onramp in the Getting Started list of my MATLAB Courses
and on MATLAB Central:
How can I install and and launch Simulink Onramp?

Best Answer

Simulink Onramp works with MATLAB R2018b and later. If you do not have MATLAB installed, download it here:
Note: Below installation instructions only apply to release R2018b. From MATLAB R2019a and onward, Simulink Onramp is included in your MATLAB/Simulink installation. To open Simulink Onramp, on the Simulink Start Page, you can select the "Simulink Onramp" button under Learn.
Installing Simulink Onramp - Method 1: Add-on Explorer
The simplest way to install Simulink Onramp in MATLAB R2018b is from the Add-on Explorer:
To start, click on Get Add-Ons from the MATLAB Toolstrip:
In the Add-on Manager, search for Simulink Onramp:
click the Add button:
Installing Simulink Onramp - Method 2: MATLAB File Exchange
Download Simulink Onramp as a Toolbox:
In MATLAB, go to the directory where you downloaded the Toolbox. In the MATLAB Current Folder window, right-click on the toolbox and select Install.
Launching Simulink Onramp
To launch Simulink Onramp, click on the Simulink icon in the Home tab of the MATLAB Toolstrip to launch the Simulink Start Page.
In the Start Page, you will see a link to launch Simulink Onramp on the bottom left corner: