MATLAB: How to insert awgn noise in the eeg signal


I have downloaded a file of .mat type and imported it in matlab, now I want to add noise in that eeg signal.
>fs = 512
>T = 1/fs; % sampling rate or frequency;
>N =length(EEGsig);
>ls = size(EEGsig); % find the length of the data per second
>tx =[0:length(EEGsig)-1]/fs;
>fx = fs*(0:N/2-1)/N;
>figure; subplot (211), plot(tx,EEGsig); xlabel('Time (s)'),
>ylabel('Amplitude (uV)'), title('Original EEG signal'); %EEG waveform
>subplot(212), plot(tx,EEGsig);
>xlabel('Time (s)'), ylabel('Amplitude (uV)'), title('Zoom into original EEG
signal at 1 to 2 seconds'), xlim([1,2]) ; % Used to zoom in on single ECG

Best Answer

Read about awgn. There you got demo on how to add white Gaussian noise to given signal.