MATLAB: How to insert a code that is in the MATLAB function block of the model in a report

dom.apifind_systemMATLABmatlab functionMATLAB Report Generatorreportreport generatorsimulinkSimulink Report Generator

I'm using find_system to find all the subsystems and then strcmp(get_param(subsystem, 'SFBlockType'), 'MATLAB Function') to obtain the MATLAB function blocks. Once I find the block I'm not able to take the code and export to the report. I know that it's possible using, but in that case, to create the report I'm using the DOM API report so I cannot extract the code and write in my report with this class. Does anyone know how can I put the code in my report?

Best Answer

myMFBConfigobj = get_param(gcb, 'MATLABFunctionConfiguration')
The source code is in .FunctionScript
web(fullfile(docroot, 'simulink/slref/simulink.matlabfunction.matlabfunctionconfiguration.html'))