MATLAB: How to input two images into neural network

Deep Learning Toolboximage processingneural network

In my project, the input to the Neural net. should be two images, one 256*256 the other 64*64.
p={ image1 image2} net=train(net, p, output}
note that the two images should be the same size. so what is the best way to inter these matrices?
is it to unroll these matrices into one big column ( then the number of neurons will be 69632)?! or, segment every picture into a number of blocks x*x pixels, then the unroll this block , then the neural net will treat every block alone?!
What is the data structure will be?
  • " Concurrent Inputsin a Static Network ”or
  • " Sequential Inputs in a Dynamic Network ”or
  • " * Concurrent Inputs in a Dynamic Network "
  • "Batch" or
  • "Sequential" ?
thank you in advance

Best Answer

Features should be extracted from each image. The features should be assembled into a vector. The type of net should be static concurrent.
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