MATLAB: How to input numeric array into Edit Filed when push button using App Designer

app designereditfieldstatebutton

I want to put array into Edit Field when I push button in regular order.
It mean, I put value button1=1, and button 2 value is 2, button3 value is 3….
and when I press button 1,3,2 in regular order,
I want to output value like [1 3 2] in Edit Field.
Here is my code,
function Button_9ValueChanged(app, event)
if app.Button_9.Value == 1;
app.EditField.Value = num2str(1)
else app.Button_9.Value == 0;
app.EditField.Value = num2str(0) %I use statebutton
I make my code like that button 9 to 15, the value is 1to 7
If there anyone know how to solve this problem, please help me 🙁

Best Answer

In state buttons we have 'Text' field.Fill the text field with the values you want to put into the array (1,2..).In the callback function of each state button if state button is active append the text to the edit fied value
function Button_3ValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.Button_3.Text;
if app.Button_3.Value==1
app.EditField.Value= [app.EditField.Value value];
I have attached a screenshot to display how it works.