MATLAB: How to input data using GUI inside a loop


I want to enable people to input several parameters, such as the number of headerlines, for each run inside the loop, by creating a simple GUI.
for i =1:200;
file = ['data' num2str(i) '.txt'];
if exist(file)==2;
h = uicontrol('style','pushbutton', 'callback', '');
N = get(h, 'String');
[a b] = textread(file, '%f %f %f', 'headerlines', N);
My question is, how do I program uicontrol, so that when people click the button, it will simply continue the program, rather than callback another m file?
Thank you.

Best Answer

I would use an INPUTDLG here.
prompt = {'Enter the number of header lines:'};
name = 'Header lines..';
for i =1:200;
file = ['data' num2str(i) '.txt'];
if exist(file)==2;
N = inputdlg(prompt,name,1,{'1'});
% Now to turn NLINES from a cell, use:
N = N{1}
[a b] = textread(file, '%f %f %f', 'headerlines', N);
Although, as a user I would be bummed if I had to enter 200 header lines manually through a GUI each time through the loop. Perhaps it would be better to create a text file which has the number of header lines for each data file in it...