MATLAB: How to input a vector into a multi variable function as individual components

vector input

This top part will be the input of my function and this part cannot be manipulated.
F = @(x1,x2) [(4*x1^2 - 20*x1 + x2^2/4 + 8) ; (x1*x2/2 + 2*x1 - 5*x2 + 8)];
x0 = [0 ; 0];
What I want to do is evaluate the function at F(x0(1),x0(2)) (for this example) and have it output the solution. But to keep it general let's say
i = nargin(F)
for n = 1:i
not real and it's definitely ghetto code but hopefully shows you what I'd like to do. I'm looking for a way to evaluate F composed of the individual components of x0 basically.
Also, x0 will always be a column vector with the length equal to the number of inputs in F.
The solution for what I want in the above example is: F(0,0) = [8 ; 8]
Hopefully this makes sense… Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

xtemp = num2cell(x0);