MATLAB: How to input a matrix of unknown dimensions into a function

matrix input

function avg_vals = function_name(A)
A = %This is where I'm confused
avg_vals = mean(A,2);
I'm trying to create a function that will accept a matrix (A) that contains an unspecified number of rows and columns. I want it to then average the rows (rather than columns) and return those values as a column vector. It could be that I'm approaching this from the totally wrong angle, so any advice is welcome.

Best Answer

A is an input argument passed from function call function_name(A). SO, DELETE THIS LINE from the beginning, you do not need to input A a second time :)
function avg_vals = function_name(A)
A = % and this is where I am truly confused. Delete this line
avg_vals = mean(A,2);
When you want to work with this function, use:
A=1:10; % This is a 1-D vector
A=magic(4); % This is a 2-D matrix