MATLAB: How to initiate an existing callback from a current callback in Matlab app-designer

app designercallbackMATLAB

In the below example, what I'm trying to achieve is to call back the 2nd function from the first callback function. How do I do that?
First callback
function NextButtonPushed(app, event)
app.StationNo.Value = app.StationNo.Value + 1;
callback to the bleow function
2nd callback
function PlotstationButtonPushed(app, event)
% ---Station No ---
b = app.StationNo.Value; % get the station no
% --- load the file ---
File1 = ['stations/', app.FileName.Value];
load (File1); % values are stored as 'Sta'

Best Answer

callbacks are just functions. Call them using app.<callback name>. Just set the inputs correctly.
function NextButtonPushed(app, event)
app.StationNo.Value = app.StationNo.Value + 1;
% callback to the bleow function
app.PlotstationButtonPushed(app, event)