MATLAB: How to index one array with the index of another array that meets a certain condition


I have two arrays that correspond to variables of a cloud. One is cloud type and the other is effective radius of the cloud droplet.
I want to find the indexes in the cloud type array where cloud type == 8 and then index my cloud droplet radius array to only show the values in the specific index where cloud type == 8. Can anyone help with this?
cloud_type = [0 0 6 8 8 5 1 8 2 2 8]
radius = [20 13 14 25 30 10 5 27 13 14 25]
out = [25 30 27 25]

Best Answer

Try this:
cloud_type = [0 0 6 8 8 5 1 8 2 2 8];
radius = [20 13 14 25 30 10 5 27 13 14 25];
out = radius(cloud_type==8)
out =
25 30 27 25