MATLAB: How to index into temporary variables within parfor

parfortemporary variable

Hi all,
Forgive me if this has been asked many times before. I've seen a few similar questions but nothing that fully helped me. I am trying to use a for loop to intialize the values at the indeces of a temporary variable within a larger parfor loop. The following is a "toy problem" to illustrate what I am talking about:
parfor i = 1:20
for j = 1:10
mymat(j,1) = j;
MATLAB tells me "The parfor loop cannot be run due to the way "mymat" is used." I don't know why matmat is used improperly, since it is a temporary variable that, based on my understanding, exists separately for each independent iteration of the loop. Note that I will never try to access mymat outside of each individual parfor loop, nor does one iteration of the loop need any knowledge of the information in another iteration's mymat variable.
I realize that this example looks a little silly because can be done without the nested for loop or parfor. I am just using it to illustrate the basic concept of what I am trying to do for my particular application. It is absolutely necessary that my final application has this sort of structure–is this possible somehow? Thanks!

Best Answer

Please refer to the Sliced Variables Documentation for correctly indexing variables in a parfor loop
Hope this helps !
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