MATLAB: How to increase train features in a neural network classifier??

neural networktrain feature

Sir, I am training 1 by 256 feature values,but i can train only 2 rows like that (i.e one row of 256 column values and the next row of 256 column values)..When i entered the third row a error war throwing out…
The below is my error: Error using network/subsasgn>network_subsasgn (line 528) net.IW{1,1} must be a 2-by-256 matrix.
Error in network/subsasgn (line 13) net = network_subsasgn(net,subscripts,v,netname);
Error in newpnn>create_network (line 122) net.iw{1,1} = p';
Error in newpnn (line 66) net = create_network(param);
Error in grad3D1 (line 47) net = newpnn(Trainfeature',T,spread);
My coding is: load flow.mat load Trainfeature load Truelabel
T = ind2vec(Truelabel'); spread=1; net = newpnn(Trainfeature',T,spread); Y = net(testfeature'); output = vec2ind(Y);
if output==2 % Trainfeature == Testfeature; h1 = msgbox('Fire Detected','ALERT'); %else %output==1 %h1 = msgbox('Fire Not Detected','ALERT'); end

Best Answer

Oh, Wait a minute! You are using NEWPNN which uses all of the data for training.
I recommend using NEWRBF instead.
To separate N I-dimensional examples into c classes, the target matrix columns should be columns of eye(c) and
size(input) = [ I N ]
size(target) = [ c N ]
N >> max(I,c)
If you standardize your inputs and outputs then
zx = zscore(input',1)';
zt = zscore(target',1)';
MSEgoal = 0.01
spread ~ 1
usually works for both NEWRB and NEWPNN..
Search the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS for some of my examples.
greg newpnn
greg newrb
Hope this helps.
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