MATLAB: How to increase the vector by increments of 100 but end on 558

linear interpolationvectors

I need to create a vector that starts at 0, increases by 100 each time but ends at 558.
The following outlines my function:
x_int = 0:100:558
This works except it only calculates up to 500 and not 558.

Best Answer

Like this?:
>> val = 558;
>> vec = 0:100:val;
>> vec = [vec,val(vec(end)~=val)]
vec =
0 100 200 300 400 500 558
Doing this over two lines allows appending that value only if it is not already the last value in the vector, e.g.:
>> val = 500;
>> vec = 0:100:val;
>> vec = [vec,val(vec(end)~=val)]
vec =
0 100 200 300 400 500