MATLAB: How to increase the the number of data-points in a scattered data set

2d coordinate3d coordinatesinterpolationMATLABscattered data

I have a 461 by 3 matrix in which the first column is x coordinates, second one y and third one z coordinates. The values of the elements of z column is o. (i.e it is actually 2D data but I need 3D data for further calculation so I kept the third column.). The values of the data set are scattered values.
Now I want to get more coordinate values (x,y,z) within this data set. The z values will be zero.
Can I use the function interp1/2/3??? how??
My main problem is achieving the coordinate matrix with all (prev.+interpolated) values. The interp function shows the value of a desired point, but I do not need that.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

M(:,3) = 0;
M = sort(M,1,'ascend');
% double the data in X column
x_extended = interp(M(:,1),2);
% dobule the data in Y column
y_extended = interp(M(:,2),2);
% new data containing all data
M_new = [x_extended, y_extended, zeros(100,1)];