MATLAB: How to increase the space between trains in this periodic waveform

MATLABpulstran functionsimulinkwaveform

Hi Friends I am interested in the pulstran function below:
t = 0 : 1/50E3 : 10e-3;
d = [0 : 1/1E3 : 10e-3 ; 0.8.^(0:10)]';
y = pulstran(t,d,'gauspuls',10e3,0.5);
I need to now what to do to increase the space or distance between each train in the waveform. Someone pls help urgently.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

t = 0 : 1/50E3 : 10e-3;
spac_vect=0 : spac : 10e-3 % vector of delays
amp_vect=0.8.^(0:numel(spac_vect)-1) % vector of amplitudes
d = [spac_vect;amp_vect]';
y = pulstran(t,d,'gauspuls',10e3,0.5);