MATLAB: How to increase the resolution of the TIFF-preview of an EPS file in MATLAB


The current TIFF-preview quality is set at 72 dpi in MATLAB 6.5 (R13). There is a need for higher quality TIFF-preview, because some products, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, can only show the preview.

Best Answer

Although the TIFF preview has a resolution of 72 dpi, note that the resolution of the printed document wil be as specified though your PRINT command (or default to 150 dpi). For example, the following line of code will print your figure to an EPS file with resolution 300 dpi with a TIFF preview of 72 dpi:
print -depsc -r300 -tiff peaks.eps
Note that in MATLAB 7.0 (R14), the default TIFF preview resolution becomes 150 dpi.
Also, note that Microsoft Office 2002 no longer needs a TIFF preview to display the EPS image in the unprinted document.