MATLAB: How to increase the memory allocated to Matlab R2014a on 64-bit Windows 8

memory allocation

My machine had a 4 GB RAM and I recently installed an extra 8 GB,now having a total of 12 GB RAM. When I go to Computer-> Properties it also shows that I have an available 12 GB RAM. However, when running my program I get an OUT OF MEMORY error. After typing memory in the MATLAB prompt I got the following: Maximum possible array: 17588 MB (1.844e+10 bytes) * Memory available for all arrays: 17588 MB (1.844e+10 bytes) * Memory used by MATLAB: 1597 MB (1.675e+09 bytes) Physical Memory (RAM): 12163 MB (1.275e+10 bytes)
  • Limited by System Memory (physical + swap file) available.
So, it seems that the memory used by MATLAB is limited and does not take full advantage of the system’s memory.. Is some way to determine the memory allocated to MATLAB? I am using a 64-bit Windows 8. Many thanks!

Best Answer

The information show, that Matlab can allocate an array with 17GB. Beside the physical RAM, a swap file allows to allocate this amount of memory.
The impression is wrong, that the memory used by Matlab is limited.
Please post the command, which causes the Out-of-memory error. Perhaps there is simply a bug in it.