MATLAB: How to increase maximum number of iterations in a ‘for’ loop, when in the loop

for loopMATLABmaximum number of iterations

A = [9 1 2 3; 1 7 2 3; 1 5 10 2; 1 2 3 9]
B = [1;2;3;4]
n = size(B,1);
Tolerance = 10^-15;
x = zeros([n,1]); %Initialization vector defaultly set as zero for ease of operation.
Norm_Values = []; % Storing first norm values.
K = 10;
for k = 1:K
T = x; % Storing previous x vector
for i = 1:n
x(i) = (B(i) - A(i,[1:i-1 i+1:n])*x([1:i-1 i+1:n]))/A(i,i);
if (norm((x-T),1) < Tolerance) % Checking for convergence.
fprintf('GaussSeidel has converged in %d iterations.\n',k)
elseif (k == K)
K = K + 10 %Extending for loop
Could somebody please help me with this problem?
If the norm does not go below tolerance within K iterations, I want to increase the number of iterations. But it is not working. It is only going up to 10 iterations.
(Above is just parts of the whole code.)
I don't want to use 'while' here because I would then have to do the 1st iteration outside the loop.
Help will be appreiciated.
Thanks in anticipation.

Best Answer

Use a while loop instead
while (norm((x-T),1) > Tolerance)
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