MATLAB: How to increase knnclassif​ication_ac​curacy

classification accuracy

if i want to increase classification accuracy from 70 % to 80 % what kind of actions i must do ?
i have two excel tables , and the algorithm is as the following
class = knnclassify(sample, training, group,1,'cityblock','nearest' ); %classify (parameters optional)
[class result]
difference = abs(class - result);
dene = ((length(group))-(sum(difference)));
% calculates classification acuracy
classification_accuracy = (dene * 100/(length(group)))
how i increase the classification to 80 % ?

Best Answer

The KNN classifier is pretty much the ‘gold standard’ against which other classifiers are measured, at least in my experience. You can change distance metrics to see if you can improve the accuracy, but that is likely your only option.