MATLAB: How to include a variable in “xlswrite” matrix name and cell range


Dear members,
I want to include variables x,x1 and x2 in the following function, where x represents the matrix and xls file names and x1 x2 represent the range overwhich the matrix will be written in excel.
This function will be written in a "double for loop" that subtitutes x first then x1 x2 thus generating multiple excel files.
Thank you!

Best Answer

Put your arrays into a single cell array Jx
filename = sprintf('J%d.xls', x);
range = sprintf('A%d:B%d', x1, x2);
xlswrite(filename, Jx{x}, range);
You might have noticed that I did not dynamically generate variable names J1 J2 and so on to write out. See