MATLAB: How to import text from the clipboard to workspace in MATLAB 7.14 (R2012a)


I have the text information on clipboard and want to import them to the MATLAB workspace. How can it be implemented? I don't want to use Ctrl+V.

Best Answer

There are two ways to import data from clipboard to MATLAB workspace:
- Method One:
To import data you previously copied to the clipboard, Select Edit > Paste to workspace, or use Ctrl+V.
- Method Two:
To import the clipboard data using the Import Wizard:
The Import Wizard now includes an automated M-code generation option. Click the Generate M-code button located in the lower right of the Import Wizard window and MATLAB generates an M-file that you can use to import additional files that are similar in type to the file you are currently importing. This simplifies the process of importing multiple files into MATLAB. Please refer details at:
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