MATLAB: How to import only the numbers from an csv.-files with a text header

convertcsvdata importimportMATLAB

I have hundreds of .csv-files, I attached one of them for example (Had to shorten it, beacuse it was bigger than 5 MB). Each of them has 10^6 Lines with data.
And I want to import those files automatically in my Matlab code. It is totally enough to import them one by one, but unfortunately I always had to preprocess this data manually with Text Editor. The problem is the text in the header of every .csv-file. I just want to import the numbers of the second, third and fourth column and not the text from the header. But even if I specify the columns, I cannot convert the recieved data store in numbers to run the calculations. This is my solution with the preprocessed data:
pre_data = datastore('Data.csv');
piece = zeros(1,3);
while hasdata(pre_data)
pie = read(pre_data);
pie = pie(:,1:3);
pie = table2array(pie);
piece = [piece; pie];
piece = piece(9:10^6+8,:);
With "piece", I can now easily run the calculations
To import the data without preprocessing, I tried "ds.SelectedVariableNames" and replacing "datastore" with "csvread". But nothing works.
Have anyone an advice, how to import such csv-files as an easily processable 1000000×3-double?

Best Answer

You should be able to add 'NumHeaderLines',7 to the datastore call and get what you want.
The issue is that this looks a lot like a CSV file exported from Excel. There are a lot of extraneous commas, and that's throwing off all the file format detection.
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