MATLAB: How to import high resolution image without changing the body of program

high resolutionimage processingMATLABwiener filter

The sizes of images that I am working on range from 5MB to 15MB, sometimes even larger. And the program that I am using is Wiener Filter. Since the image shrinks significantly after it is imported, is there any method to remain the size of picture and print out as high quality as original picture without changing the body of program?
Program: I = im2double(imread('1.tif')); imshow(I); title('Original Image (courtesy of MIT)');
LEN = 21; THETA = 11; PSF = fspecial('motion', LEN, THETA); blurred = imfilter(I, PSF, 'conv', 'circular'); figure, imshow(blurred)
noise_mean = 0; noise_var = 0.0001; blurred_noisy = imnoise(blurred, 'gaussian', … noise_mean, noise_var); figure, imshow(blurred_noisy) title('Simulate Blur and Noise')
estimated_nsr = 0; wnr2 = deconvwnr(blurred_noisy, PSF, estimated_nsr); figure, imshow(wnr2) title('Restoration of Blurred, Noisy Image Using NSR = 0')
estimated_nsr = noise_var / var(I(:)); wnr3 = deconvwnr(blurred_noisy, PSF, estimated_nsr); figure, imshow(wnr3) title('Restoration of Blurred, Noisy Image Using Estimated NSR');

Best Answer

Hello Rui,
The actual size of the image should not be changing, except from any of the filtering that you are doing. What you are probably seeing is a warning that the image cannot be displayed at full size, and is being shrunk to some percentage of its original size. This warning is given when calling imshow.
If you output the image to a file using imwrite, you should be able to view it outside of MATLAB at its full size.