MATLAB: How to import gene fasta file from NCBI using matlab 2016a

bioinformaticsBioinformatics Toolboxmatlab 2016a

I want to import gene fasta file from NCBI database using the Accession Number. I use the code Data = getgenbank('NP_752927.1'); but, getting this error : Error using getncbidata (line 191) The key NP_752927.1 was not found in the nucleotide database at this time. Please check that the input is a valid accession number or try again.
NOTE: This function is dependent on NCBI's Entrez tools and sequence databases. Changes to either may cause this function to break.
Error in getgenbank (line 70)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = getncbidata(accessnum,'fileformat','GenBank','database','nucleotide',varargin{:});
How will i resolve the error?

Best Answer

Are you sure it is a valid accession number? When I search the NCBI databases with the id you provided, I get 0 results.