MATLAB: How to import dates so that MatLab sees them

excel dates to matlabimport datesproper dates import from excel

Dear all, I know that that problem was widely discussed, but still none of the previous solutions work for me (( I have a table with column A consisting of the dates(please see Excel attached). When I import the table into MATLAB using:
[dates,big]=xlsread('ExcelName','Big','A2:AIF71'), I get 2 strange arrows with 54 rows...
Could you please help me in importing the table so that MATLAB interprets the date column properly?
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

This works for me:
ExcelName = 'Ekaterina Serikova error.xlsx';
% [dates,big]=xlsread(ExcelName,'Big','A2:AIF71'); % Worksheet 'Big' Does Not Exist In Your File
DN = datenum(big); % Using ‘datenum’
DN_Check = datevec(DN(1:5))
DT = datetime(big); % Using ‘datetime’
DT_Check = DT(1:5)