MATLAB: How to import dataset to Classification Learner App

classification learner appimage classificationImage Processing ToolboxMATLAB and Simulink Student SuiteStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I'am using R2015b and when I try to import my dataset with new session button I can't see it at workspace list. Also I can't see cell arrays, uint8 or uint16 variables. I built my data set with following code:
chart=['X'; 'Y'; 'R'; 'G'; 'B'];
massDataset=dataset({massData2,chart{:}}, categorical(label));
At this code size of massData2 is 10000×5 double, with this code I add a 10000×1 categorical label column into it. massData2 consists of an indexed images RGB values and its X,Y positions. My purpose is plot an SVM respect to X and Y axis and each R,G and B values considered as predict data, also label as response. It can't be sufficiant for classify for an image but I have to do this. So, how can I import my data?

Best Answer

Use a table instead of a dataset. Then the app will automatically understand it.
doc datset2table
doc table