MATLAB: How to import data with exotic delimiters.

comma decimalimport datatab delimited

I have data basicly in a csv file but with ending .lvm looking like
0,000000 4,000000 0,000000 160,645546 39,281321 199,881657
2,439139 4,000000 0,000000 160,569857 39,276997 199,499790
4,879279 4,000000 0,000000 160,491830 39,278343 199,387425
7,326419 4,000000 0,000000 160,322703 39,271629 200,504927
9,748558 4,000000 0,000000 160,229282 39,271306 200,263479
12,180696 4,000000 0,000000 160,125998 39,266773 200,528866
14,625836 4,000000 0,000000 159,913637 39,263853 200,291738
17,061976 4,000000 0,000000 159,628543 39,260609 199,696538
I want an array with each Values.
With python pandas its as easy as:
df = pd.read_csv(file,sep='\t', engine='python',index_col=None, header=None, decimal=',')
But i struggle with Matlab.
Please help me as i have no clue how to search anymore.

Best Answer

Try this
str = fileread('data.txt');
str = strrep(str, ',', '.'); % change , to .
data = textscan(str, '%f\t');
data = reshape(data{1}, 6, []).';
>> data
data =
0 4.0000 0 160.6455 39.2813 199.8817
2.4391 4.0000 0 160.5699 39.2770 199.4998
4.8793 4.0000 0 160.4918 39.2783 199.3874
7.3264 4.0000 0 160.3227 39.2716 200.5049
9.7486 4.0000 0 160.2293 39.2713 200.2635
12.1807 4.0000 0 160.1260 39.2668 200.5289
14.6258 4.0000 0 159.9136 39.2639 200.2917
17.0620 4.0000 0 159.6285 39.2606 199.6965
data.txt file is attached.