MATLAB: How to import csv-file with headlines (type text) to matrix? – only numbers are needed

csvcsvreadfilehelpimportimportdataMATLABnumerical valuestextscan

Hello community,
I've got a csv-file with first row as headline (type text). But I want to write a script, so the import tool cannot help. I've tried 'importData', csvread (but it supports sheets with numbers only) and textscan. It would be the best when i could choose the range – I only need the numbers.
My csv-file has the following composition:
# | date | time | temperature 1 | temperature 2 | ….. | temperature 732
1 31-10-19 12:31:14 14,2342 15,1234 ….
2 31-10-19 12:31:15 16,4442 15,6283 ….
3 31-10-19 12:31:16 14,8552 15,8294 ….
I only need the temperature values, therefore i want to choose the range. Or is there anothers opportunity to import the numerical values?
Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

Both readtable and readmatrix will handle this file without issue. I would have thought that importdata would delegate to readtable so I'm surprise it didn't work for you.
readtable will label the columns according to the header.