MATLAB: How to import coordinates from a txt/csv file


Hi everyone,
I am very new to MATLAb so this is probably a very basic question. I am trying to write a script to analyse some results I have, I can output my results as either txt or csv files whichever works best. My issue is the file outputs the coordinates in the form (0,0,0) so I am not sure what the best way to import this would be if I wanted to create a 3D scatter plot, as the brackets seem to be causing problems.
Thanks for any help you can offer!

Best Answer

Something like this should read your data. Try
>> cac = cssm( )
cac =
[3x3 double]
>> cac{:}
ans =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
function cac = cssm( )
fid = fopen( 'cssm.txt' );
cac = textscan(fid, '(%f%f%f)', 'CollectOutput', true ...
, 'Delimiter' , ',' );
fclose( fid );
and where cssm.txt contains (I'm guessing)