MATLAB: How to import axesm into app designer

app designerappdesigneraxesaxesmguimapMapping Toolbox

I am developing a GUI using app designer. This contains multiple UIAxeses.
One of these UIAxeses is going to show site location in map using meshm and plotm functions. How can I convert an existing UIAxes to a map axes? or how can I import a map axes into the app designer?
unfortunately the axesm and worldmap functions open a new figure including a map axes which is not sutible for a standalone application. I have spent a large time for searching with no specific solution :(((

Best Answer

To import a map axes, it is only sufficient to change the parent of a map axes as follows:
% ... MapAxes is created in a new figure
% Change the Parent of the map axes
TempParent = MapAxes.Parent;
MapAxes.Parent = UIAxes.Parent;
% fit the size
MapAxes.Units = 'pixel';
MapAxes.Position = UIAxes.Position;
% delete the initial temperory UIAxes
% delete the temperory map figure
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