MATLAB: How to implement Battery Model into “for each subsystem” block

battery modelbattery_system_managementfor each subsystempower_electronics_controlSimscape Electricalsimulink

When I try to run a simulink model with a battery model (Li-Ion) (from SimPowerSystems) integrated into a "for each subsystem" block I receive the following error message:
The block 'auto_1/For Each Subsystem/Battery/Model/Continuous/Current filter' with continuous state(s) is not supported inside subsystem 'auto_1/For Each Subsystem' because the subsystem contains a For Each block ('auto_1/For Each Subsystem').
That means the Current filter which is integrated into the battery model causes the problem.
Any suggestions how to solve that issue?
Thanks and regards, Benjamin

Best Answer

The message is clear. A system with continuous state is not supported in the "For Each" block. What is your use case to implement a "For Each" block in a battery model?