MATLAB: How to implement a for loop over a specified range

lab loop

  • t: time vector ranging from Start to End with a sampling rate of fs
  • X: sum of sinusoids over the specified range
The code I am using for my outputs is:
t = linspace(Start,End,fs);
for i=1:N
X = X + A(i)*cos(2*pi*f(i)*t + phi(i)) + B(i);
I keep getting an error: Attempted to access B(2); index out of bounds because numel(B)=1. Need help fixing it.

Best Answer

The code you posted would result in A and B being scalars (length 1) if N is empty. If N was not empty, then A and B would only be of length 2 anyhow.
If you are trying to initialize A to be a vector of length N then you would use something like
A = zeros(N, 1);
... but then it would be all zero, which doesn't sound very meaningful.