MATLAB: How to identify the nth largest components in binary image stacks


I have some code that is programmed to identify the largest blob within a stack of binary images and delete all surrounding blobs, exporting the new image files.
I want to edit to code to identify nth largest blobs and delete everything else. I will probably go as high as 3rd to 5th largest blobs.
Currently the code looks like this:
for i=0:num_of_files
CC(:,i+1) = bwconncomp(BW(:,:,i+1),26);
n1 =zeros(1023,997,11);
for i = 0:num_of_files
[~, maxcell(i+1)] = max(cellfun(@numel, CC(i+1).PixelIdxList));
newimage(CC(i+1).PixelIdxList{1,maxcell(i+1)}) = 255;
n1 (:,:,i+1)= newimage;
imwrite(newimage,sprintf('%s%d.%s', name_of_output, i, file_type));
How can I edit to take highest 3 blobs into account in each image slice?
Regards, R.

Best Answer

First, I would encourage you to address the questions I've raised as they're all logic gaps in your code.
Rather than looping twice over CC let's do it all in one go:
% num_of_files: variable with a misleading name that is the number of files minus 1, scalar non-negative integer.
% BW: binary image stack, a 3D array.
% name_of_output: base name of file to be written for each layer, char vector.
% file_type: image type to be written by imwrite, char vector.
% blobs_to_keep: how many of the largest blobs to keep in each layer, scalar positive integer.
blobs_to_keep = 3;
% outimage: uint8 image stack where only the first blobs_to_keep largest blobs of each layer in BW is kept.
outimage = zeros(size(BW), 'uint8');
for layer = 1:num_of_files + 1
CC = bwconncomp(BW(:, :, layer), 8); %more than 8 is pointless on 2D images
blobsizes = cellfun(@numel, CC.pixelIdxList);
[~, order] = sort(blobsizes, 'descend');
pixelstokeep = vertcat(CC.PixelIdxList{order(1:blobstokeep)});
outimage(pixelstokeep + prod(CC.ImageSize) * (layer - 1)) = 255;
%adding prod(CC.ImageSize) * (layer - 1) ensures the pixels in the correct layer are sets
%this avoids using an intermediate 2D image to set the pixels
imwrite(outimage(:, :, layer), sprintf('%s%d.%s', name_of_output, layer-1, file_type));