MATLAB: How to identify the drone in the list of Bluetooth devices

Embedded Coderminidronesparrotparrot minidronessimulinkTarget Support Package

How do I identify my drone in the list of Bluetooth devices?

Best Answer

When you scan for the list of Bluetooth devices, the name of the Parrot Rolling Spider minidrone appears either as :
1.    MAC address of the minidrone. For example, A0:14:3D:4B:10:5F
2.    RS_Xyyyyyy where X is the color of the minidrone. For example, if your Rolling Spider is White in color, it might appear as RS_W129611.
In some cases when you search for the minidrone, first the name appears as the MAC address and after some time it automatically changes to RS_Xyyyyyy.
Please note that in case of Windows, the minidrone should be listed under “Audio & Video Devices” for the connection to be successful. If it is not listed under “Audio & Video Devices”, try searching again and wait for it to appear. 
Also, refer to following link to troubleshoot Bluetooth connection issues on Windows: