MATLAB: How to identify segmented pics Numbers and Letters by comparing them to a set of templates

character recognitionimage processingMATLABnumber and letter recognitiontemplate matching

Hey everyone, I'm kina new to the whole image processing experience in MatLab. I would really appreciate any sort of guidance or tutorial regarding the stage i'am currently stuck on:
I actually trying to code for a letter and number recognition program, so far i have managed to remove most of unwanted parts in a pic and proceeded to extract all connected components which allowed me to get the segmented numbers and letters of interest.
Coming to the stage that i'm currently stuck on: Having a set of templates for the letters and numbers, i would like compare each template with the segmented numbers/letters and then proceed to display the name of the template that a segmented number/letter matches to. And maybe, if possible to view the percentage of how the segmented pic matches the template.
Once again i would appreciate any sort of guidance or any sort of input on how to proceed to solve this issue.
Thanking you in advance.
Hash L.

Best Answer

See my demo (below the image, in blue text) that uses normalized cross correlation.
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