MATLAB: How to have variables displayed in workspace after every while loop iteration

loopsvariableswhile loopworkspace

Hi all,
I have a while loop in which my variables are only stored in the workspace after the entire loop is completed. Is there any way that I can store the variable in the workspace after each iteration of the loop, because I need to use these values while the loop is still running. Thank you!

Best Answer

The easiest way (without seeing your code) is to initialise a counter before the loop, increment it within the loop, and subscript the variables calculated in the loop:
k1 = 1;
while some_condition
a(k1) = some_expression;
b(k1) = some_other_expression + a(k1);
k1 = k1+1;
Here, ‘a’ and ‘b’ will be available as vectors at the end of the loop, and available to each other within the loop. That’s as specific as I can get.