MATLAB: How to have the same settings on right Y axis from the left Y axis


Hello everyone,
I struggling in having Y axis both on left and right side of a graph, but with the same settings, the same color and the same Y ticks…
I tried moving the following command "yyaxis right;" before assigning "ytickformat" and so on, but it creates a new axis from scratch and I don't know how to get the settings from the left Y axis and set them into the Y right axis.
Is there the possibility to get all the settings from Y left axis, save them into a variable and then set the Y right axis from the variable that stores everything?

Best Answer

ax = axes();
yyaxis right
copyAxis(ax.YAxis(1), ax.YAxis(2))
function copyAxis(a, b)
p = properties(a).';
for i=1:numel(p) %copy all public properties
try %may fail if property is read-only
b.(p{i}) = a.(p{i});
warning('failed to copy property: %s', p{i});
You can save the copyAxis function in a seperate file.