MATLAB: How to have the loop counter display on one line instead of printing carriage returns in MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a)


I print a counter in my loop in the MATLAB command window to keep track of its progress while running. If I use the following code:
for i=1:10
there are several carriage returns in the command window in addition to the counter number. I would like to have the counter numbers displayed on one line.

Best Answer

In MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a) loop counter values can be displayed in the command window without carriage returns by using the FPRINTF command.
The following code displays counter values with a space between each successive value instead of a carriage return.
for i=1:10
fprintf('%d ', i);
The following modified version of the code above uses the backspace escape command '\b' to delete the previous counter value. This increments the counter in place rather than in a line of increasing length.
fprintf('\nCounter: ')
for i=1:100
if i>1
for j=0:log10(i-1)
fprintf('\b'); % delete previous counter display
fprintf('%d', i);
pause(.05); % allows time for display to update
An implementation of a redefinition of FPRINTF for carriage return without linefeed has been published on the following MATLAB Central file:
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