MATLAB: How to have the figure print consistently despite resizing


I have a figure that I am sending to multiple users. I want them to be able to print so that the printed paper will consistently be:
-landscape view
-8.5 by 11
-centered figure
-scaled figure to fit the page
Whenever the figure is resized, the printed figure is scaled differently, and it seems the users would need to programmatically or manually set the print to center and scale the figure. Is there any way I can send them a figure that will automatically print with the criteria above without the user needing to setup anything?

Best Answer

This can be done by setting the figure paper properties:
>> f= figure;
>> plot(1:10);
>> f.PaperSize = [8.5 11];
>> f.PaperOrientation = 'landscape';
>> f.PaperPosition = [.25 .25 10.5 8];
For more information on figure property options for printing, please see the following link: