MATLAB: How to have arbitrary markers in ‘scatter’

MATLABscatter marker symbol plot

I would like the markers in a scatter plot to carry numerical and / or alphabetical information along with just showing their position in a 2D plane.
I have a set of 'x' values 1:100, with corresponding 'y' values y(x). In addition, different 'x' values point to different classes of objects. These classes could be identified with numbers ranging from -50 to 50. I would like my x-y scatter plot to be displayed with markers where each marker is a numerical symbol [between -50 and 50] identifying the class.
The function 'scatter' as set up currently only accepts a limited range of symbols as markers ('mkr'). It does not accept numerals (e.g. '1') let alone larger numbers (e.g. '123'). So I could not even set up a dumb / laborious process where 'scatter' plots one [x,y] pair at a time with its own marker.
Any help appreciated.

Best Answer

For numerals and characters, text() them into place.
For general shapes, you will need to create one or more patch() objects.