MATLAB: How to handle ‘NaN’ values


em try to write code to find 'Interpolation error' but in Error metrix there occuring NaN at many place, even i have converted them in 'double()' now i want NaN value would replace by '0'or by its right value, Instead of NaN. plz help me . em trying to fix it bt it doesn't work.
for i=1:1:size(errors, 1) for j=1:1:size(errors, 2) if errors(i, j)== 'NaN' errors(i, j)=0; else errors(i, j)=(errors(i, j)); end} end end this code is not working… i want not to occur ant NaN value during code processing. . . how do i write a code to avoide from such unwanted values. . .

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